Kalthoff-Winkler experiment
This tutorial demonstrates how to set up and run the Kalthoff-Winkler experiment using the Peridynamics.jl package. The Kalthoff-Winkler experiment is a classic dynamic fracture experiment involving a pre-notched sample subjected to impact loading.
The Kalthoff-Winkler experiment is widely used to study fracture mechanics under high strain rates. This setup provides valuable insights into the behavior of materials under dynamic loading conditions, making it an interesting experiment in the field of fracture mechanics.
In this tutorial, we will simulate the Kalthoff-Winkler experiment using peridynamics without the impactor. To do so, first we would import the package.
using Peridynamics
Geometrical Parameters
Define the sample length l
, width w
, and thickness t
, with point spacing Δx
, horizon size $ δ $
and crack length a
l = 200.0E-3 # Length of the sample (meters)
w = 100.0E-3 # Width of the sample (meters)
t = 9.0E-3 # Thickness of the sample (meters)
Δx = 1.0E-3 # Discretization size (meters)
δ = 4.015Δx # Horizon (meters)
a = 50.0E-3 # Crack length (meters)
Create the Body
Create a body with the specified dimensions using the bond-based material model with surface corrections:
pos, vol = uniform_box(l, w, t, Δx)
body = Body(BBMaterial{EnergySurfaceCorrection}(), pos, vol)
180000-point Body{BBMaterial{EnergySurfaceCorrection}}:
1 point set(s):
180000-point set `all_points`
Material Parameters
The following material parameters are set:
material parameter | value |
Horizon $ δ $ | $4.015 \cdot Δx$ |
Young's modulus $E$ | $ 191\cdot 10^{9} \, \mathrm{Pa}$ |
Density $ρ$ | $ 8000 ,\mathrm{kg}\,\mathrm{m}^{-3}$ |
Critical stretch $\varepsilon_c$ | $0.01$ |
material!(body; horizon=δ, E=191.0e9, rho=8000.0, epsilon_c=0.015)
Define Pre-cracks
Define the point sets to insert a crack at the left side of the domain (-x):
point_set!(p -> -a / 2 - δ ≤ p[1] ≤ -a / 2 && 0 ≤ p[2] < w / 2, body, :set_crack1_a)
point_set!(p -> -a / 2 ≤ p[1] ≤ -a / 2 + δ && 0 ≤ p[2] < w / 2, body, :set_crack1_b)
precrack!(body, :set_crack1_a, :set_crack1_b)
Define the point sets to insert a crack at the right side of the domain (+x):
point_set!(p -> a / 2 - δ ≤ p[1] ≤ a / 2 && 0 ≤ p[2] < w / 2, body, :set_crack2_a)
point_set!(p -> a / 2 ≤ p[1] ≤ a / 2 + δ && 0 ≤ p[2] < w / 2, body, :set_crack2_b)
precrack!(body, :set_crack2_a, :set_crack2_b)
Velocity Boundary Condition
Apply a velocity boundary condition that is active for $0.1 \, \mathrm{ms}$ on the top edge:
point_set!(p -> -a / 2 < p[1] < a / 2 && p[2] ≥ w / 2 - 4Δx, body, :set_top)
velocity_bc!(t -> t < 0.0001 ? -32.0 : NaN, body, :set_top, :y)
A layer of 3 points at the uncracked boundary is not allowed to obtain failure.
point_set!(y -> y < -w / 2 + 3Δx, body, :no_fail_zone)
no_failure!(body, :no_fail_zone)
Use the Velocity Verlet algorithm as the time integration method and calculate 2000 time steps:
vv = VelocityVerlet(time=0.0003, safety_factor=0.8)
end_time 0.0003
safety_factor 0.8
Define the storage path:
path = joinpath("results", "KW")
ispath(path) && rm(path; recursive=true) # Delete existing results if they exist
Create and submit the job:
job = Job(body, vv; path=path)
spatial_setup 180000-point Body{BBMaterial{EnergySurfaceCorrection}}
time_solver VelocityVerlet(end_time=0.0003, safety_factor=0.8)
options export_allowed=true, freq=10
@mpitime submit(job)
This tutorial demonstrated how to set up and run the Kalthoff-Winkler experiment using Peridynamics.jl
. By simulating this experiment, we can gain insights into the dynamic fracture behavior of materials under high strain rates.