Wave propagation in a thin bar
In this tutorial, a cuboid bar is created. A velocity pulse in the form of one period of a sine wave is applied to create a displacement wave that propagates through the bar. The behaviour of this wave was investigated in [PDW24].
First import the Peridynamics.jl package:
using Peridynamics
To get started, some parameters used for this simulation are defined. These are the length of the bar lx
, the width and height lyz
and the number of points in the width npyz
lx = 0.2
lyz = 0.002
npyz = 4
With these parameters the point spacing Δx
can be calculated:
Δx = lyz / npyz
A cuboid body according to the ordinary state-based model with the specified dimensions and point spacing is then created:
pos, vol = uniform_box(lx, lyz, lyz, Δx)
body = Body(OSBMaterial(), pos, vol)
6400-point Body{OSBMaterial{NoCorrection}}:
1 point set(s):
6400-point set `all_points`
Following material parameters are specified:
material parameter | value |
Horizon $ δ $ | $3.015 \cdot Δx$ |
Density $ρ$ | $ 7850\,\mathrm{kg}\,\mathrm{m}^{-3}$ |
Young's modulus $E$ | $ 210 \, \mathrm{GPa}$ |
Poisson's ratio $ν$ | $0.25$ |
material!(body, horizon=3.015Δx, rho=7850.0, E=210e9, nu=0.25)
Failure is prohibited throughout the body since no fracture parameters are defined. Point set :left
including the first row of points in x-direction is created:
point_set!(x -> x < -lx / 2 + 1.2Δx, body, :left)
The velocity boundary condition of the form
\[ {v}_x (t) = \begin{cases} v_\mathrm{max} \cdot \sin(2\pi \cdot \frac{t}{T}) \qquad & \forall \; 0 \leq t \leq T \\ 0 &\text{else} \end{cases}\]
is applied to point set
. The parameters used for this excitation are period length T
and amplitude vmax
T, vmax = 1.0e-5, 2.0
velocity_bc!(t -> t < T ? vmax * sin(2π / T * t) : 0.0, body, :left, :x)
The Velocity Verlet algorithm is used as time integration method and 2000 time steps are calculated:
vv = VelocityVerlet(steps=2000)
n_steps 2000
safety_factor 0.7
The job is now defined with the specified settings and parameters.
job = Job(body, vv; path="results/xwave")
spatial_setup 6400-point Body{OSBMaterial{NoCorrection}}
time_solver VelocityVerlet(n_steps=2000, safety_factor=0.7)
options export_allowed=true, freq=10
The last step is submitting the job to start the simulation.