The Peridynamics.jl logo

A high-level Julia package for parallel peridynamics simulations


To install Peridynamics.jl, follow these steps:

  1. Install Julia from the official Julia website if you haven't already.

  2. Launch Julia and open the Julia REPL.

  3. Enter the package manager by pressing ] in the REPL.

  4. In the package manager, type:

    add Peridynamics
  5. Press Backspace or Ctrl + C to exit the package manager.

How-to guides




The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) under the project WE2525-14/1.

The support of Carsten Bauer and Xin Wu from PC2 with the design of the internal structure regarding parallel performance is gratefully acknowledged.

The authors gratefully acknowledge the computing time provided to them on the high-performance computer Noctua 2 at the NHR Center PC2. These are funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the state governments participating on the basis of the resolutions of the GWK for the national highperformance computing at universities (